Disdik Bekasi City Asked For Bully Allegation In Al Azhar Sumarecon

Disdik Bekasi City Asked For Bully Allegation In Al Azhar Sumarecon
Korban Bully SMP Al Azhar 31 Summarecon Bekasi. IKKIMSI Asks Disdik Bekasi City to Take Action on Alleged Bully in Al Azhar Sumarecon

The alleged Bully case and student beatings that occurred in Al Azhar Sumarecon Bekasi City invited the attention of IKKIMSI (Bekasi City Youth Intellectual Studies Association) to ask the Mayor, the Education Office and the DPRD of Bekasi City to act.

According to information from Richi Ramdhani (Chairperson of the IKKIMSI Presidium), a suspected beating case experienced by one of the students with the initial P was an alleged crime.

"The school is an educational institution. Children who lack knowledge are educated and fostered so that they become intelligent and useful children. Children who are stubborn are educated and fostered so that they will get it. Now, that is the function of the school.

"In my opinion, if there are students in the bully in Keroyok then where is the process of coaching, education by the school! Because, the act is pure crime," he said when met at Gor Bekasi City.

In a written statement received, he also said, the cases of bullying and beatings were included in criminal acts.

"According to Law number 35 of 2014, the school must be held accountable and not the child who is found wrong like the news that is in a stir right now," he said.

Richi also said that the Bekasi City government should not be passive about cases like this. "Because cases of alleged bullying and beatings against students are acts of violence that have an impact on the growth of children in the future. Because, it could be that children affected by cases of revenge and they will do the same thing to their junior class," he said.

"Bekasi residents must oppose the alleged bullying at the Al Azhar Sumarecon school and anywhere. Stop right now," he said.

As is known a student with the initial P is suspected of having experienced bullying and beatings. Ironically, as a victim, P was asked by the school to get out of Azhar Sumarecon Middle School. The parents did not accept and ask for justice and report the case to the Bekasi City Child Protection Commission.

Previously, Sumarwanto, Public Relations of Al-Azhar School in a written statement stated, Monday (9/12/2019), there had never been a beating action by a senior class against P. students.

"In accordance with the findings of the facts in the field, there was never a beating by senior students to P students, but what happened was P made one-on-one physical contact with his classmates," Sumarwanto said.


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