Ahead of the First Debate, Prabowo Prepares Several Surprises!

pojokwarta.JAKARTA - Prabowo Subianto candidate number 02 is ready to face the first debate in the 2019 presidential election. Technically and strategically, equipment has been carefully assembled.

"Pak Prabowo is ready, he is confident in all the preparations, both physically and mentally very confident," said Edhy Deputy General Chairperson of the Gerindra Party, Prabowo when visited at BPN Media Center Prabowo-Sandi, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Wednesday (16 / 1/2019).

The first debate material for the presidential election tonight is Human Rights, Law, Terrorism and Corruption. Edhy said that there would be a surprise from the Prabowo-Sandiaga pair during the first debate of the presidential election which will be held later tonight.

"There is, that will be the time for the debate, so it will be a surprise," Edhy said.

Edhy explained that the preparations had also been arranged in connection with the ceremony for the presence of the pair Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno at the inaugural debate in the 2019 Presidential Election, at Bidarakara Hotel, Jakarta.

"Departing later will be arranged by the team, there is already a team, the debate team already exists, I am the outside team," Edhy said.

Including, said Edhy, who were the sympathizers of the Prabowo-Sandi couple who came in the debate room.

"There are not 100 supporters, 50 in number, 100 in the first place. Now, anyone, the support team or the hooray team, there will also be a team that sits behind (candidate) debate, right, like first," said Edhy .


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