
IKKIMSI Asks Disdik Bekasi City to Take Action on Alleged Bully in Al Azhar Sumarecon

SMP Al Azhar 31 Summarecon Bekasi . IKKIMSI (Bekasi City Youth Intellectual Studies Association) requested that the Mayor, the Education Office and the Bekasi City DPRD act in relation to the case. According to the Chairperson of the IKKIMSI Presidium, Richi Ramdhani, a case of alleged beatings experienced by one of the students with the initial P was an alleged crime. "The school is an educational institution. Children who lack knowledge are educated and fostered so that they become intelligent and useful children. Children who are stubborn are educated and fostered so they will be pious. Now, that is the function of the school in my opinion. "Where the deeds are purely criminal," said Richi in the Bekasi City Sports Hall. Richi also said that the bullying and beatings cases were included in criminal acts. "According to Law No. 35 of 2014, the school must take responsibility, and not the child who is found wrong like the news that is in chaos right now,...

Disdik Bekasi City Asked For Bully Allegation In Al Azhar Sumarecon

Korban Bully SMP Al Azhar 31 Summarecon Bekasi . IKKIMSI Asks Disdik Bekasi City to Take Action on Alleged Bully in Al Azhar Sumarecon The alleged Bully case and student beatings that occurred in Al Azhar Sumarecon Bekasi City invited the attention of IKKIMSI (Bekasi City Youth Intellectual Studies Association) to ask the Mayor, the Education Office and the DPRD of Bekasi City to act. According to information from Richi Ramdhani (Chairperson of the IKKIMSI Presidium), a suspected beating case experienced by one of the students with the initial P was an alleged crime. "The school is an educational institution. Children who lack knowledge are educated and fostered so that they become intelligent and useful children. Children who are stubborn are educated and fostered so that they will get it. Now, that is the function of the school. "In my opinion, if there are students in the bully in Keroyok then where is the process of coaching, education by the school! Because, th...

IN Front of Bekasi City's Al Azhar 31 Middle School, Bekasi City Youth Intellectual Studies Association Action to Stop Bully Allegations

Siswa SMP Al Azhar 31 Dianiaya . A number of dozens of students and youth, who are members of the Bekasi City Intellectual Studies Association, held a demonstration in front of Al Azhar 31 Middle School in Bekasi City. The protesters called for justice for alleged bullying and beatings that occurred at the school. According to the action coordinator, Zulkifli, that cases of bullying and suspected beatings must be clearly revealed. Zul also said, students and young people demanded the first things Stop Bullying, Stop protecting bullying and beatings. The principal must be responsible for the safety and trauma of students who are bullied and beaten. The action took place peacefully, a number of police and police and security forces seemed to be monitoring the course of the action. Had a dispute, with a number of people shouting the demonstrators but students and youth can control themselves. During the demonstration the Alzahar student from inside the building shouted obsc...

His child is suspected to be a victim of bullying, a parent in Bekasi reports the KPAD

Bully SMP Al Azhar 31 . Parents in the name of Azmi Fitriyasah (45), reported the alleged act of bullying which called their child initials P (12) to the Bekasi Regional Child Protection Commission (KPAD), Friday, (6/12/2019). Azmi came to the KPAD office on Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani, a former Immigration building, Komplek GOR Bekasi, South Bekasi District, around 14.00 WIB accompanied by his wife. The purpose of reporting this alleged bullying is so that their children receive fair treatment from the school. Because, P is known to often get violence done by her class sister when she was still attending Summarecon Bekasi Al-Azhar Middle School. "So I came here to ask for justice from the KPAD for the treatment my son got, he was the victim of a beating by his senior," Azmi said after making a report in the Bekasi City KPAD. Azmi explained, this alleged case of bullying was first revealed when her child was reluctant to go to school because she was afraid of being a...

Bullying Victims' Parents in Bekasi Call Their Children Had Experienced Injuries to the Lips and Head

SMP Al Azhar 31 Summarecon Bekasi . Azmi Fitriyasah (45), reported alleged acts of harassment or bullying that befell her child with the initial P (13) to the Bekasi Regional Child Protection Commission (KPAD), Friday, (6/12/2019). This bullying was obtained when the 7th grade junior high school boy was attending Al-Azhar Summarecon Bekasi. Now, P chooses to transfer schools because he is labeled in violation of school rules based on an assessment point of behavior that exceeds 1000. Azmi said, her child experienced bullying twice, the first incident occurred in the first three weeks of entering school. "The first three weeks of entering the school my son was pulled off his collar by one person who then hit two in the chest," Azmi said when found at the KPAD office in Bekasi. The second incident said Azmi occurred around September 2019. According to his son's confession, he was pulled into the school canteen and beaten by 10 people who were all 9th ​​grade stud...

Prabowo: If You Are Not Able To Feed The People, The Country Will Fail

wartajurnal . In front of hundreds of cadres, sympathizers and volunteers at the event entitled "Prabowo Greeting Central Sulawesi", Indonesian President Candidate number 02 Prabowo Subianto stated that the Indonesian State was considered a failure if it was unable to provide food to its people. "If we are unable to feed our people, our country will actually fail as a country," Prabowo said at an event held at one of the hotels in Palu, Central Sulawesi, Tuesday (08/01/2019). Prabowo said, the reason Indonesia is a very rich country. This has been proven by the history of the nation since hundreds of years ago. "European nations come to us, hundreds of years they come to us. We are a very rich country, but there are still many of our people who are poor, "added Prabowo. In West Java, he claimed that he had just received a report about an area whose residents had difficulty in fulfilling household life. "Eating is difficult, some may eat once a...

Flooded with Communities, Prabowo Welcomes the Presentation of Vision and Mission

Faktaid. Presidential candidate number 02 Prabowo Subianto, attended the event attending the presentation of the National Speech vision and mission held at the Jakarta Convention Center, at 19.20 WIB, Monday (01/14/19). He was present wearing a black suit and black cap. When Prabowo and a number of Indonesian figures entered the Jakarta Convention Center room, they were greeted with enthusiasm by the people who fulfilled the event. Even guests who attended to thousands of people had a great enthusiasm to attend and enliven the event. The people who were present wearing the typical clothes of the presidential candidate number 02, namely blue and beige trousers while those wearing white beige pants. Candidate number 02 was present with Vice President Sandiaga Uno, wife of Sandiaga Uno Nur Asia Uno, 6th President of the Republic of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY). Before Prabowo climbed onto the podium, he was greeted by lively yells by guests at...

Contents of the Vision and Mission of the Prabowo-Sandi Pair

Nasionalindonesia . Pasangan calon presiden dan wakil presiden nomor urut 02, Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno, memaparkan program dan visi-misinya, pada Senin (14/01/19) yang diselenggarakan Jakarta Convention Center. Acara itu dimulai dari pukul 19.00 WIB, dan berakhir pada pukul 21.00 WIB. mereka hadir mengenakan busana jas hitam dan peci hitam. Dalam menyampaikan pidatonya itu, Prabowo didampingi Cawapres Sandiaga Uno. Terlihat yang hadir dan memenuhi kursi tamu, Ketua Majelis Syuro PKS Habib Salim Segaf Aljufri, Presiden PKS Mohamad Sohibul Iman, Ketua MPR Zulkifli Hasan, Ketua Umum Partai Demokrat Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dan sejumlah undangan lainnya. Capres-cawapres 02 itu menyatakan visi dan misinya untuk membangun negeri Indonesia yang akan mnciptakan anggota Polisi, TNI dan keamanan nasional lainnya. Guna untuk selalu menjaga keamanan wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Tidak hanya itu keamanan Indonesia harus mampu mencegah berbagai macam persoalan dengen melaksana...

Prabowo-Password Vision And Mission Will Be Held Along With National Speech

faktualOnline . Candidate pair presidential and vice presidential candidate number 02 Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Salahudin Uno will hold a National Speech by explaining the vision and mission at the Town Hall Meeting event held at the Jakarta Contention Center Plenary Hall Jakarta, Monday (01/14/2019) at around 19:00 WIB. The candidate number 02 when attending the Commemoration of the Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad in the PKS DPP, Jakarta, Sunday (01/13/2019) revealed, from the explanation of the vision and mission. Paslon number 02 Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno wants to convey that Indonesia will be peaceful and win under their rule. "Pak Prabowo will deliver a complete and complete vision and mission. The national speech about Indonesia won, victory. We want to convey this rich country, victory and peace, "he added. Prabowo-Sandi's National Speech also pushed for the booming ability of natural resources and Human Resources (HR) that must be maximized and optimize...

Prabowo Subianto Already Has an Extremely Strong Commitment to the KPK

Jurnalhub . Dahnil Anzar, the coordinator of the spokesman for the National Winning Body, Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno, explained that the presidential and vice-presidential candidates had very strong commitments to eradicate corruption. One of them was by strengthening the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). "Pak Prabowo has rejected the revision of the KPK Law from the start if the revision has a tendency to weaken the KPK," said dahnil Dahnil said Prabowo only wanted to match the KPK as a legal institution for all corruption eradication that was very strong, even Prabowo wanted to strengthen the KPK there are several programs that strengthen the KPK that are understood by Team Prabowo the first is to strengthen the KPK from a fiscal perspective that will increase the budget allocation for the KPK second is Prabowo wants to increase the number of independent investigators in the KPK because of the many anti-corruption institutions in the world that recruit educ...